Thomas Baily Shropshire Matching Grant - Gamma Mu Boulé
Greetings Archon Cavanaugh
On behalf of Boulé Foundation; Chairman Anthony Hall, and the Grand Boulé Board of Directors; Grand Sire Archon Loren Douglass are pleased to grant Gamma Mu a Thomas Baily Shropshire Matching Grant. Please expect to receive your grant funding shortly.
Archon Bennett Gaines
Executive Director
Thank You from BLSA Donation Closet at ASU Law
Hello Mr. Holton and Mr. Godbold,
The Black Law Students Association would like to formally and expressly thank you and the members of your organization for your support of our new donation closet. The suits that you've donated were of exceptionally fine quality and students have nearly collected them all. To provide one anecdote, a first-year law student entered the closet while Alyannah and I were organizing and was able to leave with his first suit, multiple button-ups and matching ties, and even a nice pair of Crockett and Jones shoes. Following his interview this week, to which he wore his new suit, I hope he will have some good news. This success story and others are only possible by your generosity. Thank you so much for supporting our young endeavor.
Thank you!
Kiara R. Sims
J.D. Candidate | Class of 2025
Arizona State University | Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
GCU Honors College Celebrates 10 years
GMES Recognized as Community Partner
Grand Canyon University’s Honors College celebrated its 10-year anniversary recently with a special reception of dignitaries and invited guest. As part of that celebration program, Gamma Mu Educational Services, Inc. (GMES) was recognized as a valued community partner since the inception of the Honors College, and Archon Edmond Baker was recognized as a founding board member.
GCU’s honor’s college has grown tremendously since its inception. Starting in 2013 with 59 students, the college now has over 3,000 students with an unweighted GPA of 3.83. They also proudly highlight an honors college alumnus of over 2,200.
GCU President Brian Mueller stressed the important role of community partners in the success of GCU during his remarks. Honors College Dean, Breanna Naegeli, expanded on that theme with specific comments on the GMES partnership and the impact of our “Career Pathways” speakers’ series in providing students with mentoring insight on various career fields and personal development guidance. Archon Lee Topps accepted the recognition plaque on behalf of Gamma Mu Educational Services.
Dean Naegeli also spoke very highly of the important role of the original Board member who provided needed guidance and direction as the Honors College rapidly expanded. She was especially appreciative of time and resource provided by Archon Baker during those early years and during the COVID crisis.
GMES is proud to have been a valued partner with GCU and the Honors College for the past decade and we look forward to continuing to build upon our exceptional relationship into the future.